Eine postoperaistische Geschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Eine kleine Rezension von Matteo Pasquinelli: The Eye of the Master. A Social History of Artificial Intelligence / Das Auge des Meisters. Eine Sozialgeschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Matteo Pasquinelli rekonstruiert in The Eye of the Master. A Social History of Artifical Intelligence (2023) – auf Deutsch als Das Auge des Meisters. Eine Sozialgeschichte künstlicher Intelligenz (2024) – die Geschichte der künstlichen Intelligenz vor dem Hintergrund der Automatisierung von Arbeits- bzw. Arbeitsorganisationsprozessen in Folge der Industrialisierung und Elektrifizierung. Pasquinelli versteht seine Studie laut eigener Aussage […]
Matter, Evolution and the Meaning of Life
Lecture for the School of Materialist Research promotional lecture series, 29th June 2021.Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s16ScBXRl1s The Meaning of Life. A Journey to the Origins of Worlds The question of the meaning of life is a totalizing question: It seeks to connect the small with the large, the part with the whole, the individual with the universe, the […]
Is the Covid-19 Crisis the End of “Capitalist Realism”? From Brute Globalization to Smart Planetarization.
Is the Covid-19 Crisis the End of “Capitalist Realism”? From Brute Globalization to Smart Planetarization. Presentation during the panel „Sheltering Places. Thinking the COVID-19 Pandemic“, organized by „The New Centre for Research and Practice“, 8 Apr. 2020 PDF
Introduction to German Accelerationism
Deep Futurology: Reconstructing the Outside. An Introduction to German Accelerationism As part of CTM and transmediale’s Vorspiel program, The New Centre For Research & Practice’s Parallel Academia Group presented a series of conversations in which nine researchers and students in Berlin discussed their work with nine international New Centre instructors via a live stream, held […]