• Matter, Evolution and the Meaning of Life

    Lecture for the School of Materialist Research promotional lecture series, 29th June 2021.Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s16ScBXRl1s The Meaning of Life. A Journey to the Origins of Worlds The question of the meaning of life is a totalizing question: It seeks to connect the small with the large, the part with the whole, the individual with the universe, the […]

  • Kritiken, Repliken und weitere Anschlüsse zu Generative Realitäten I

    Bücher sind nur dickere Briefe an Freunde; Briefe sind nur dünnere Bücher für die Welt.Jean Paul Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, liebe Interessierte, zwischenzeitlich gingen viele Anfragen mit der Bitte bei mir ein, ein paar Worte zum Hintergrund von Generative Realitäten I zu sagen (einige Auszüge finden sich unter diesem link), die Grundidee des Ansatzes breiter […]

  • Is the Covid-19 Crisis the End of “Capitalist Realism”? From Brute Globalization to Smart Planetarization.

    Is the Covid-19 Crisis the End of “Capitalist Realism”? From Brute Globalization to Smart Planetarization. Presentation during the panel „Sheltering Places. Thinking the COVID-19 Pandemic“, organized by „The New Centre for Research and Practice“, 8 Apr. 2020 PDF

  • Introduction to German Accelerationism

    Deep Futurology: Reconstructing the Outside. An Introduction to German Accelerationism As part of CTM and transmediale’s Vorspiel program, The New Centre For Research & Practice’s Parallel Academia Group presented a series of conversations in which nine researchers and students in Berlin discussed their work with nine international New Centre instructors via a live stream, held […]

  • A new transcendental beyond the good, the true, and the beautiful
