Introduction to German Accelerationism

Deep Futurology: Reconstructing the Outside. An Introduction to German Accelerationism

As part of CTM and transmediale’s Vorspiel program, The New Centre For Research & Practice’s Parallel Academia Group presented a series of conversations in which nine researchers and students in Berlin discussed their work with nine international New Centre instructors via a live stream, held at the Spike Berlin, Saturday, 19 January 2019.

Answering Barrett Avner’s question on the possibility of a system transition via a shift in metaphysics Davor Löffler presented some key points of his book Generative Realitäten I. Die Technologische Zivilisation als neue Achsenzeit und Zivilisationsstufe. Eine Anthropologie des 21. Jahrhunderts. This was at the same time an introduction to the German strain of accelerationist thought developed during the 2000s.

The recording of the short conversation including the presentation starts at minute 17:38